The population of Mali Prytsky village (Myronivskyi district, Kyivska region) suffered from the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933.
During the 1930s’, the village belonged to Rzhyshchivskyi district. Before the Holodomor of 1932-1933, a collective farm called “Do Krashchoho Zhyttia” (“To Better Life”) was created in the village. The head of the village council was Petrenko. There were about 250 houses, where 850 people lived.
Repressive measures, used against the population (in 1930, an individual farmer M. I. Kozhan born in 1892, was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment; in 1931, an individual farmer M. O. Horbach, born in 1892, also got 3 years of imprisonment) intimidated the peasants, broke the will for the resistance.
The Holodomor killed 120 peasants. Only 32 of them are identified (among them there are 9 children).
At the cemetery, there is the place of mass burial of the Holodomor victims, where the relatives of the dead installed the concrete monument.