
Novohrаd-Volynskyi district

Zhytomyrskа region

Victims: 104

The mass grave of the Holodomor victims was found by the local historian Vasyl Chernysh.

Holodomor witness Mariia Ihnaiiuk (born in 1915) saud, “We lived close to the xemeterym it was so scary, but we, teens, were running to see what was goiung on there. The dead were brought by the cart, thrown into one pit, there were 8-10 bodies in a pit. Some brought their relatives on sledges, wrapped in rows, brought in carts, dumped them near the pit. It happened that they left the bodies for the night, and when the men brought the cart, they dumped everyone and when the pit was filled, then they covered it with earth. Nobody wrote them down, no crosses were put up. Our people were very exhausted then. There was not even the strength to dig a separate grave.”

The testimony was recorded by Vasyl Shernysh.

The list of the Holodomor victims from the village includes 104 names.