
Beryslаvskyi district

Khersonskа region

Victims: 123

The population of Tiahynka village (Beryslavskyi district, Khersonska region, in 1932-1933 it belonged to Odeska region) suffered from the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933.

In 1927, the population of Tiahynka village was 2469 people, 515 farms.

In 1930, 4 colletive farms were created in the village: “Dnieper Progressive Man” (“Naddniprianskyi Prohresyvnyk”), headed by Pavlo Nikitenko, named after Kalinin, headed by Andrii Shvatskyi, “The 1st of May” (“Pershe Travnia”), headed by Pavlo Kulyk, and “Dnieper Plowman” (“Naddniprianskyi Khliborob”), headed by Reketianskyi.

According to data from different sources, 123 persons died from starvation in the village. 15 persons are identified.

The mass burial place of the 1932-1933 Holodomor victims is located at the cemetery. In August of 2006, the granite monument was installed over the grave.