
Novoаrkhаnhelskyi district

Kirovohrаdskа region

Victims: 100

The population of Syniukha village (Novoarkhanhelskyi district, Kirovohradska region) suffered from the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933.

In the 1930s, the village belonged to Novoarkhanhelskyi district of Odeska region. The books of statement of this period do not exist now.

Ivan Fedorovych Lokhmaniuk (born in 1926) told about the place of mass burial of 1932-1933. The eyewitness recalls, that the wagon was riding throuth the village and collected the corpses of the dead, and took them to the pit. This place is located near the village cemetery. According to the words of the respondent, about 100 people died from starvation in the village. At the mass grave, there is no memorial sign.

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