
Myronivskyi district

Kyivskа region

Victims: 1300

The population of Rosava village (Myronivskyi district, Kyivska region) suffered from the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine.

At the end of 1920s’ to the beginning of the 1930s’, wealthy people lived in this village. This was the town: there were the traders with their shops, the mills, oil plants and large fields. After the beginning of the collectivization and collective farm “Chervonyi Traven” (“Red May”) creation its head was T. Bondar), dekulakization started. At first, it touched rich peasants, then – middle-class peasants who did not want to enter the kolkhoz. They were called “pidkurkulnyky” (those, who are acting according to the interests of kulaks). 10 families were dekulakized: B. S. Kulyk, B. V. Oliinyk, H. S. Kobets and others. In 1930, individual farmer V. P. Ilchenko (born in 1905) was sentenced to 3 years of exile for the resistance to the robbing “red brigade”.

At first, the bread was confiscated from the collective farms. The whole arsenal of methods was used, including the press (look to the documents). When there was nothing left in the kolkhoz, its members become the next victims. The food, cattle, cereals were taken away from the village inhabitants. According to the memories of these events eyewitnesses, the executives of the policy were Tymofii Varenyk, who was the head of the village council, active fighter for the Soviet power, the member of the Communist party. There were also the staffers Shevchenko, Ilchenko, Skybitskyi, Zahorodnii. After several weeks, people were dying on the streets and in the yards.

More than 1300 people died from starvation in the village. 119 persons are identified, 67 of them are children. In 2002, at the central village cemetery, the Memorial cross was installed for the costs of the local community.