
Myronivskyi district

Kyivskа region

Victims: 300

The population of Hrushiv village (Myronivskyi district, Kyivska region) suffered from the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine

During the Holodomor years, the village belonged to Rzhyshchivskyi district. There was the collective farm “Pershe Travnia” (“The 1st of May”). Its head was Vakulenko. The peasants Serghiy Yakovych Popyk and Feodosii Nychyporovych Honchar were dekulakized.

In 1930, an individual farmer Rodion Kyrylovych Pyrozhenko, born in 1892, was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment for the resistance to the authorities. He was rehabilitated in 1989. In the autumn of 1932, the activists were going from one house to another and taking out all the products, prepared for the winter. Whole families, even streets were dying. There was the case of cannibalism in the village.

There were 220 yards in the village, where about 800 people lived. After the Holodomor, about 140 yards and 500 inhabitants left. According to the eyewitnesses’ testimonies, almost 300 persons died from starvation. 15 persons are identified, 5 of them are children.

In 2007, at the place of the mass burial, located at the village cemetery, the metal memorial cross was installed by I. M. Krokhmal.