Kаluhа (Kаluzkа)

Bereznehuvаtskyi district

Mykolаivskа region

Victims: 5

The population of  Kaluha village (Bereznehuvatskyi district, Mykolaivska region) suffered from Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. According to the eyewitnesses’ testimonies, there are two (or maybe more) places of mass burials of 1932-1933 Holodomor-genocide victims. One of these places was taken care after by Uzhylovskyi Vasyl Denysovych. He created the memorial sign for his mother (she also became of Holodomor victims). Earlier, at the mass graves there were crosses, but today due to the local authorities, the management of the school and community, the monuments have been installed there. Here you can see the coordinates of one of them.