
Fаstivskyi district

Kyivskа region

Victims: data are being specified

The population of  Borova urban-type settlement (Fastivskyi district, Kyivska region) suffered from Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. 13 persons killed by starvation are now identified.

Starting from 1924, Borova got the status of the village, in 1932 it became the urban-type settlement. The inhabitants of Borova survived, because many of them were working on the local forest plant, in the forestry. Also, the majority of the local inhabitants were working in Kyiv. During the 1932-1933 Holodomor, they were given some bread and lunches in the plant’s canteens.

As the railway was built across the village, the corpses of the dead from starvation together with the corpses of local inhabitants were brought together and were buried in the common pit. At the cemetery, at the mass grave of Holodomor victims, the Memorial cross was installed. In 2003, at the entrance to the cemetery, the Memorial monument to 1932-1933 Holodomor-genocide victims was installed.