
Myronivskyi district

Kyivskа region

Victims: 261

The population of Mykytiany village (Myronivskyi district, Kyivska region) suffered from the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. 261 persons died. Among them, only 31 were successfully identified.

During the Holodomor years, the village belonged to Bohuslavskyi district. In the village, there was the collective farm “Zerno” (“Grain”). Before the big famine, all the grain was taken out from paprethe village by all possible means, including the press. This is what was written in the local newspaper “Shliakh Kolhospnyka” (“The Way of Kolkhoz Member”) (No. 3, the 5th of January of 1932):

“On the passing of grain procurement in the kolkhoz sector of the district”

The resolution of the of the board of the District Kolkhoz Union from the 2nd of January of 1932

To oblige the kolkhoz boards to fix the exaggerations in the division of the natural incomes of the kolkhozes in order to return the bread, which was given to the peasants over the norms, in order to fulfill the grain procurement plan, and to develop the large political work around this. At the same time, under the slogan “No bread should be given to private farmer”, the work should be developed in order for kolkhozes and their members to give all the excessive bread to the state.

All the leaders of “Zerno” kolkhoz of Mykytiany village should be strictly reprimanded for relying on the drift, reluctance of organizing the drain procurements, for languid tempos of completing the plan, for inactivity.

At the cemetery, there is the place of mass burial of the Holodomor victims, where in April of 1965 the local inhabitant Petro Trokhymovych Korytnyk installed the 2-meters high concrete obelisk with iron cross.